Save orphans and children at-risk today. Your contribution matters.

Welcome to Joyful Minds Charity

Let’s save the lives of orphans and children in need together!
Because together is better!
Thank you for your donation!
God bless you.

Give in honor of a loved one and send a free card during checkout.

Build a Brighter Future for Them

Help us raise funds to provide children, youth in high-risk, and orphans with essential needs, education, and a chance at a better future. Every contribution counts!

Nurturing Futures

Support our orphans, children and youth at-risk centres’ growth and flow. Your contribution has a significant impact, providing a nurturing environment for orphaned children at-risk to thrive. Join us in our mission to reach more children in need and create a brighter future. Donate now to make a lasting difference and be part of this transformative journey.

Single Weekly Monthly Yearly

Welcome to Joyful Minds - Mental Health & Well-Being Services

Save Orphans & Children At-Risk in Broome & The Kimberley
Joyful Minds is an International Research Institute for Mental Health & Well-Being quality certified, not-for-profit registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for- Profits Commission. We provide quality, multidisciplinary primary mental health care services across Broome and the Kimberley region of Western Australia, supporting our community, including disable people, Aboriginal families, orphans, children, and youth at high risk due to domestic violence, homelessness, and basic needs, like a home to feel safe, food, and clothing.

Our History

Joyful Minds Training provides mental health and well-being services since 2011 in Brazil and Europe. In 2020, the founder Cristiane Silveira Atique – MRS JOY – was inspired by God and her family to bring her training to Australia. And on March 2020, MRS JOY PTY LTD was born.

After 4 years of operation in Australia and benefiting students in more than 125 countries worldwide, the organisation took two more big steps to support our Australian Community.

“In 2024, we became a Joyful Minds NDIS Provider and a not-for-profit Joyful Minds Charity!”, celebrates MRS JOY, that has the mission to inspire people all around the world to live with less stress and more love, mental health, and well-being.

Joyful Minds NDIS Provider

Since MRS JOY moved to Western Australia, in April 2022, she saw a huge necessity in Broome and in the Kimberley Region to support people with disability, their families, and cares.

“Our community are longing for help. They need support with their mental health and well- being, and we are here to provide the hand and love they need. We became NDIS Providers in 2024, and we are proud to be part of a vital organ of the Australian Governments to bring more equality and well-being for our nation”, shares Mrs Joy.

Saving Lives Together

Beside the Joyful Minds NDIS Provider mission, in 2024 MRS JOY, and her team of God’s Angels, took another step towards supporting orphans, children, and youth at-risk in Broome and in the Kimberley Region. The increasing of poverty, and with our community facing problems with drugs, was shocking for MRS JOY at first instance, especially when she shares that she knows the consequences of poverty, as she was born in a third world country in Brazil. While some local people would say: “It’s like this for more than 30 years and it will never change”, MRS JOY saw a huge possibility for change, and she is inspiring more people to be the change with her. If we keep perpetuating the same things that doesn’t work, it will never work. I am part of the generation of miracles of love that were born to bring a new reality of fun, joy, and true love to our Planet Earth. Who else is with me? shouts MRS JOY.

Let’s become a chain of love. Together we can heal the world with your heart and my heart.

– Chain of Love, Mrs Joy

Rejoice with Joyful Minds

Joyful Minds Training provides mental health and well-being services since 2011 in Brazil and Europe. In 2020, the founder Cristiane Silveira Atique – MRS JOY – was inspired by God and her family to bring her training to Australia. And on March 2020, MRS JOY PTY LTD was born.

After 4 years of operation in Australia and benefiting students in more than 125 countries worldwide, the organisation took two more big steps to support our Australian Community.

“In 2024, we became a Joyful Minds NDIS Provider and a not-for-profit Joyful Minds Charity!”, celebrates MRS JOY, that has the mission to inspire people all around the world to live with less stress and more love, mental health, and well-being.

Rejoice with Joyful Minds

Joyful Minds helps children and youth at high-risk, families, school teachers, co-workers, and practitioners that have some of the most significant and life-changing missions on the planet, like doctors, nurses, physicians, social workers, psychologists, coaches, and counsellors.

“We provide cutting-edge, research-based mental health and well-being strategies to our children, and students worldwide through our online trainings, and in person workshops and mental health retreats, that inspire people to thrive”, explains MRS JOY.

Get Joyful Minds Certificate for your CV!

For more than 12 years, Joyful Minds has offered training with certificate of accomplishment, and mental health development programs to thousands of youths, families, school teachers, and practitioners worldwide.

Go Global Joyful Minds Foundation

Joyful Minds Mental Health Services provide a place for local GPs, social workers, school teachers, family members, companies, volunteers, and our community in general to be trained and certified with the mental health training Joyful Minds and serve the ones in need across the Hospital Sector, the Aboriginal Medical Service Sector, the Educational Sector, and the Private Sector throughout the region.

Starting just with the founder Cristiane Silveira Atique, a World-Change Entrepreneur, Humanitarian Leader, Philanthropist, Journalist, Author, International Life Coach, Singer, and Composer, known worldwide as MRS JOY, the organisation has steadily grown in the last 4 years, and is growing to employ more than 200 staff across the globe. In Australia, the foundation started serving the community in Broome, and has the aim to deliver the mental health services to the Kimberley Region, and all over Australia.

Joyful Minds Mental Health Services aim to support the high prevalence of chronic mental health conditions in the WA region, due to high indices of stress, anxiety, chronic fear, and depression. Over time, the organisation has diversified to meet the needs of the wider communities with a strong allied mental health team those over deliveries to each one of our clients.

Joyful Minds Mental Health & Well-being Services

In 2024 Joyful Minds Training became Joyful Minds Mental Health Services, governed by a board of directors. With the growth of the organisation, came access to funding for mental health services and care coordination for Aboriginal people and our community in need to access primary mental health care services, and well-being practices.

Now a standalone mental health service, Joyful Minds Mental Health Services has the aim to start employing over 50 clinicians, and social workers, supporting numerous allied health students, volunteers, teachers, and families each year and works in partnership with every other health service in the region. It is a very important non-government mental health service with a footprint across Broome and the entire Kimberley region, and Western Australia.

In support of the primary mental health care and well-being philosophy, we promote a holistic person-centred approach to health care with a strong emphasis on self-management.This includes looking for ourselves from the inside out and learning how to bring balance and coherence between our mind, heart, body, and soul.
Our services include mental health and well-being services and an integrated team care for our Joyful Minds programs, supported by an efficient corporate services team.

Helping NDIS People

Our Mission

Our mission is to support over 1 Billion people worldwide with our mental health and well-being services. Together we can build a more joyful and peaceful world for this and for the future generations.

Our Values

Love. Serve. Share. Prosper.

Our Vision

Our vision is a happier world educated with a new culture from the inside out.

Through our charity programs, you can:

Charity Shop

Discover a selection of unique items and online courses, with all proceeds going toward our charitable programs. Every purchase makes a difference. Join us in using music as a force for good and be part of a movement that creates real impact. ❤️

Charity Walk

Take part in a meaningful walk to raise awareness and funds for children in need. Every step you take brings hope, support, and a better future to vulnerable children in Australia and Brazil.👟 Join the Walk & Walk for a Cause!

Charity Show

Experience an unforgettable virtual concert featuring talented artists from around the world. Every ticket purchase supports our mission to provide education, shelter, and opportunities for orphans and children at high risk in Kimberley, Australia, and Brazil.

We are a Global Big Family!

We Cheer Us Up.
We Respect Each Other.
We Love one Another!

Come to be part of our community of Joyful Minds. We Are a Big Family.

Our Joyful Minds Motto is:
Make it Shine and Be Your Best!
– Mrs. Joy

Royal Blood

Mrs Joy with Prince Christian zu Fürstenberg and Princess Jeanette - Donaueschingen Germany –

Our Clients

We have clients in more than 125 countries all over the world. In Australia our clients are primarily resident of Western Australia, including Perth, Broome, and the Kimberley region.

Many of our clients are Children and Youth at High-Risk, and aboriginal people living with complex chronic mental health conditions, due to stress and anxiety. Whilst we are a mainstream mental health and well-being provider, we are community based and aim to provide culturally appropriate, high-quality services and programs to meet the needs of all Australians, including Aboriginal people to improve their mental health outcomes and overall wellbeing.

Mental Health Equality

We work towards meeting mental health equality for all people in Broome, in the Kimberley, Western Australia, and all over Australia. We work across sectors to collaboratively deliver mental health and well-being programs, and outreach services to address social determinants of mental health, and support people, especially children and youth at high risk to manage their mental health issues closer to their home and community.

To increase access to the mainstream health care system, we deliver outreach primary mental health services online to benefit remote communities across Broome and the Kimberley. This means people can stay at home and in their communities, which leads to better mental health outcomes for individuals. In doing this it also reduces the need for specialist and hospital services.

Be Part of it!

All children need a nurturing and supportive family and community to enable them to achieve their full potential. For vulnerable children who are exposed to child abuse and neglect, we need to ensure they are protected and supported, so they can have the best chance in life. Certain children are at a higher risk of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional harm than others, due to their living circumstances and home environment.

Children in need

Babies, children, and young people who are victims of child abuse and neglect experience harmful effects in their physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, behavioral and social development. The fundamental damage caused by abuse and neglect can undermine the child's ability to develop capacities for trust, intimacy and sexuality.
Three important factors for an adult be raising a family in the future.

Family Violence

Factors such as family violence, parental drug and alcohol use, mental illness and intellectual disability may negatively impact on a parent's ability to provide the right supervision, nurture and care for their children.

The lack of supervision, as well as environmental neglect, can expose toddlers and young children to significant risks of physical harm. If children do not feel secure in their relationships with their primary cares and if they do not get enough stimulation, this can negatively impact on their development and their ability to form intimate relationships. The importance of adequate nurturing in early life is therefore extremely important.

Primary School Age Children

Primary school age children are particularly at risk of physical and sexual abuse. Emotional views of children through aggressive parenting styles and lack of supervision can place some children at a greater risk of physical, and psychological harm. Neglect of a child's education, dental and health needs, as well as social relationships, can also affect their ability to successfully progress into adolescence.

Young People

Adolescence for teenagers can be a time of increased risk taking, particularly when it comes to experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Young people who do not have strong relationships with the adults in their family are even more at risk. The education is essential so they can learn how to navigate in life with mental health, resilience, and well-being.

Aboriginal babies, children, and youth at-risk

The issue of child abuse and neglect in Australian indigenous communities needs to be

understood and addressed from upper respective that recognizes both, historical and present- day issues.

Many of the problems presenting some indigenous communities today are the result of the experiences of the past where Aboriginal people were subjected to racism and violence from the early days of European settlement.

Governments policies of dispossession, segregation and assimilation contributed to the present disadvantage by dislocating indigenous communities from their land and by separating children from their families and communities.

These children, ‘the stolen generations’, were deprived of the nurturing of family and community. This has contributed to the loss of identity and other problems for the children, their families and communities and is reflected in contemporary social problems, including alcohol, poverty, drug addiction and family violence.

Homeless children

Children who are homeless or whose families are homeless, often experience physical psychological, spiritual and emotional harm.

Children born into homelessness are more likely to have low birthweights, which can lead to ongoing health issues. Developmental delays among preschool children influenced later behavioral and emotional problems. Separation from parents can cause long term negative effects.
The stressful and traumatic events that homeless children often face but are too young to understand, can lead to severe emotional distress. Their academic performance is hampered both by their poor cognitive development and by their circumstances of their homelessness, such as constantly moving around.

Children with disabilities

Children with disabilities are more vulnerable to abuse and neglect than other children. Long term dependency and a high incidence of communication problems increase their vulnerability. Deaf children, and those with severe physical disability have been identified as being at particular risk.

Children in Out of Home Care

Children in out of home care have often experienced extreme family dysfunction over a long period, well as episodes of abuse. They frequently have significant emotional and behavioral problems, as well as developmental delays and neglected health needs.

Their health, developmental and behavioral needs may require specialist support and intervention. While these children may have been removed from the harm and abuse they have experienced, they remain vulnerable to further abuse and exploitation, unless caregivers are well supported and appropriate with mental health services provided.

Children Exposed to Family Violence

exposure of children to family violence constitutes a form of child abuse. A baby, child or young person may be harmed directly or indirectly by physical violence when they are attempting to protect another person. The child may also experience emotional and physical trauma by living in a climate of fear and intimidation in a home where family violence occurs.

Children of parents with a drug or alcohol problem

many studies have reported the Co-occurrence of parental substance abuse and child abuse. Substances involved include alcohol, marijuana, heroin, extasy, amphetamines, and inhalants.

Children of parents with a mental illness

mental health issues can impact appearance capacity to function adequately, and drug or alcohol use often compounds the problem. Depression, substance dependence and personality disorders are the most frequently reported psychiatric conditions affecting parents who abuse their children. Parents with mental illness may experience difficulty relating to their child, display impulsive physical discipline or fail to meet the child's emotional and developmental needs.

Mental Health for Children At-Risk

Support 'Joyful Minds' – a vital project prioritizing orphaned and children's mental health and well-being. Your contribution provides crucial nutrition, and mental health support to ensure their growth and resilience. Let's bridge the orphan and children at-risk mental health funding gap for a brighter, healthier future.

Your donation makes a difference! Be a champion for orphan, children, and youth at-risk mental health.

Single Weekly Monthly Yearly
Save Orphans, Children & Youth At-Risk in Broome & The Kimberley

Save Children At-Risk in Broome & The Kimberley

Give in honor of a loved one and send a free card during checkout.
We accept all major cards and PayPal

Orphans, Children & Youth At-Risk Centre in Broome

Support our mission for the Joyful Minds Centre in Broome. Donate to support children to have a shelter, education, meals, and faith. Make a lasting difference in these children's lives.

Give in honor of a loved one and send a free card during checkout.We accept all major cards and PayPal
Thank you for helping our Orphans and Children at High-Risk

Orphans & Children At-Risk Music Therapy

Support our mission for the Joyful Minds Music Therapy that we provide for our orphans, and children at-risk. Donate to support children to have a healthy mind, heart, body, and soul. Give them the gift to express their inner gifts in this present moment that is a gift!

Give in honor of a loved one and send a free card during checkout.We accept all major cards and PayPal

Children & Youth At-Risk Art Therapy

Support our mission for the Joyful Minds Art Therapy benefit orphans and children at risk. Donate to support children to have the chance to fly inside of their own imagination. Your choices shapes people’s lives.
Mirror 100% of your righteousness in these children's lives.
They will want to be like you one day:
Someone who saves lives!
Single Weekly Monthly Yearly

The Joyful Minds Art Therapy Program was created for the purpose of providing community members with a safe place to increase their mental health and well-being. It is a non-clinical activity where vulnerable members of our community can open up about their struggles without fear of feeling judged or rejected. The Program creates a space for our children and youth at-risk to express their feelings, through art. Our participants can explore the issues that have affected them in their life and begin viewing them from a different perspective to promote acceptance and healing.

Orphans, Children & Youth At-Risk Trip Therapy

Support our mission for the Joyful Minds Trip Therapy that we provide for our orphans, and children at-risk. Donate to support children to have the chance to discover the world. Give them the gift to be explorers!
We can offer 3 trip options for people donate:

Movie-World in Gold Cost

$5,900 per youth

Europa-Park in Germany

$12,000 per youth

Kitesurf in Brazil

$12,000 per youth

Allow orphans and children-at risk to dream with a better life.

Come to Fly High with MRS JOY to discover a new world.

Joyful Minds Broome PCYC
Fundraising Project 20204

Be part of our Angel Investors and Sponsorship Team!
Shine in Joyful Minds’ Events

Joyful Minds Charitable Foundation

Joyful Minds Foundation is to turn it into a Big Family Community where all of us can come together to help our children at High-Risk overcome overwhelming odds so that one day they can do the same for others. My dream is to build a better world for this and for the future generation. Let’s build together a Chain of Love, a movement of compassion, self-empowerment and excellence.

In Joyful Minds Charitable impact

How to help

Mental health education is critical to leveling the economic playing field and opening opportunities to everyone to thrive in life. Joyful Minds Foundation prioritizes making quality education accessible and giving leaders a chance to lift themselves and others.

Community outreach in addition to mental health and well-being education the joyful minds foundation has always supported grassroots organizations in their efforts to lift the most vulnerable in their communities.

In 2024 with millions of people struggling to buy food, pay rent, and find health care, the foundation has pivoted during the pandemic to commit more resources to local groups. In particular we've launched initiatives in partnership with local organizations in my beloved Australian town Broome in WA, which I call Brhoome.

The ongoing hunger crisis in Broome and in the Kimberley region was made worse by the increasing of the crime in the region. The Joyful Minds Foundation has been working with organizations around the country to help solve this urgent need.

Welcome to Joyful Minds - Mental Health & Well-Being Services

Joyful Minds Mental Health & Well-Being Services is a quality certified, not-for-profit registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. We provide quality, multidisciplinary primary mental health and well-being care services across Broome and the Kimberley region of Western Australia We support all people in our community, including disable people, Aboriginal families, children, and youth at high risk due to domestic violence, homelessness, and basic needs, like food, clothing, hygiene items and home.

We organise fundraising campaigns to give opportunities to children at high-risk to have the right of having a childhood that allows them to dream and build a better world for this and for the future generations.

Through the creation of self-empowerment trainings, Joyful Minds offers a range of programs where people from all over the world can Donate to support our children at high- risk to have the chance to thrive in life. We offer programs like:

Art Therapy – We inspire children and youth to bring their artist alive. Our education leads each student to see the world from the inside out. (We intent to get funds to have an Art Gallery sharing the creativity of children and youth).

Music Therapy – We provide a field with a professional Musical Recording Studios in Broome, where our Children can be part of MRS JOY’s music and film productions. (We intend to get funds to all these projects)

Dance Therapy – In Joyful Minds Charity we provide a magical field where our children and youth at high-risk can experience the power of dancing on video-clips with MRS JOY, and at presential shows.

Surf Therapy – We provide several activities for children and youth at high-risk to be immersed again in the nature, and especially in the ocean. We give them the chance to be inside of Kitesurfing retreats, Banana Adventure, and Electric Foil Surfboards.

The founder of Joyful Minds Foundation, MRS JOY, is a multitalented creative, and she offers the chance for children, youth, and their families to experience the magic of life with her.
I always had a passion for singing and dancing since a little kid. And my parents could provide so much for our family. Nowadays, we want to share this joy with the world.


Joyful Minds Mental Health Services is part of the Mental Health Academy and Research Institute MRS JOY PTY LTD, Australian Company certified as NDIS Provider.

Our NDIS Registration groups

Inside of Joyful Minds Mental Health Services we bring a list of registration groups we deliver our services to our clients.

Registration groups:

Registration Groups One by One

NDIS PROVIDER 0106 - Assist-Life Stage, Transition

Transitioning to a new stage of life can be a tough challenge, so it’s essential that our clients are well supported and looked after during this time. Including, assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations, we are a vital part of the NDIS package that assists with the decision making, daily planning, and budgeting needs of those with a disability.

We help participants through life transitions with our well-trained and experienced staff from our Joyful Minds Team, as they create the most suitable care plan for the individual needs of each one of our clients.

Residential Aged Care

A participant residing in a residential aged care facility has their reasonable and necessary needs met through a combination of supports provided by the facility as required by the aged Care Act 1997 and supports provided by the NDIS according to their goals and individual circumstances. We deliver programs to support NDIS participants in Residential Aged Care. They can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS pricing arrangements and price limits.

Book a call with us and let us help your clients to have more mental health and well-being with our programs.

NDIS PROVIDER 0106 - Assist-Life Stage, Transition

Transitioning to a new stage of life can be a tough challenge, so it’s essential that our clients are well supported and looked after during this time. Including, assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations, we are a vital part of the NDIS package that assists with the decision making, daily planning, and budgeting needs of those with a disability.

We help participants through life transitions with our well-trained and experienced staff from our Joyful Minds Team, as they create the most suitable care plan for the individual needs of each one of our clients.

Residential Aged Care

Transitioning to a new stage of life can be a tough challenge, so it’s essential that our clientsA participant residing in a residential aged care facility has their reasonable and necessary needs met through a combination of supports provided by the facility as required by the aged Care Act 1997 and supports provided by the NDIS according to their goals and individual circumstances. We deliver programs to support NDIS participants in Residential Aged Care. They can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS pricing arrangements and price limits. are well supported and looked after during this time. Including, assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations, we are a vital part of the NDIS package that assists with the decision making, daily planning, and budgeting needs of those with a disability.

Book a call with us and let us help your clients to have more mental health and well-being with our programs.

NDIS PROVIDER 0107 - Assist-Personal Activities

Daily Personal Activities

Involves assistance within, but not limited to, the client’s home or other place of residence.
As NDIS providers we provide a range of activities to our clients. These are designed to help them with their skills development and ensure they are able to live an independent life with more well-being and quality of life.
These include things like:


We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley lands on which we live and work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and re-affirm our commitment to reconciliation.

Everyone is welcome at Joyful Minds Mental Health Services. We embrace and celebrate diversity among our clients and staff including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) people and all people of diverse sexualities, culture, sex and/or genders. Joyful Minds Mental Health affirms its support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


Cristiane Silveira Atique - MRS JOY

Cristiane Silveira Atique, worldwide known as MRS JOY, is the founder of Joyful Minds since 2011, and in 2024, she has founded Joyful Minds Mental Health Services in Australia. As Board of Directors since July 2024, MRS JOY is a former strategy world-change entrepreneur, philanthropist, journalist, author, singer, composer, and international life coach, having advised Boards and Executives for organisations from the Federal Government to corporates, as well as NGOs across a broad range of sectors including mental health care, private hospitals, and schools.

As a philanthropist she has numerous partnerships, including the Kimberley Centacare, PCYC, the Shire of Broome, the Land Council, The Nature Conservancy, among others to support Indigenous-led mental health efforts in the Kimberley and beyond. MRS JOY spends her free time traveling, kitesurfing, participating in beach & bush walking’s, singing, composing, photographing, and filming our beautiful region.

Our Board of Directors

Joyful Minds Mental Health Services Board of Directors is responsible for the governance and legal entity of Joyful Minds Mental Health Services. The Board drives the strategic direction of the organisation and oversees the implementation of the strategic plan through the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Management Team. Our Board are diverse in all aspects of community and professional life and are a source of influence, skills, and knowledge.

Brian Beck Detective Senior of

WA Police Force and Platoon Sergeant within Defence

Brain started as manager of the 120-Youth from BYFH – Broome Youth and Family Hub, and he joined Joyful Minds Mental Health Services board in 2024 while working in the East Kimberley as a Police Officer and Detective with the Kimberley Community Legal Service. He has previously worked as a restorative justice mediator and a refugee caseworker, and volunteered on the Council of the Law Society of WA, as chairperson of the North West Community Legal Centre and as an independent director with the Bourke Aboriginal Health Service. Passionate about spending time in wild places he is a former member of the WA SES Search and Rescue Team.

Deputy Chair

Rosie Savannah

Rosie joined Joyful Minds Mental Health Services board of Directors in mid-2024. As a former executive of the Parliament, Rosie has significant history and knowledge of mental health services in the Kimberley. Now CEO East Kimberley Chamber Commerce and Industry, Keda continues to be passionate about the people of the Kimberley communities and towns. Keda has a Diploma in Project management, Leadership and Management and is currently studying a Graduate Certificate in Health Service Management. Keda is proud to be Deputy Chair of Boab Health Services and hopes to bring much needed representation for the East Kimberley.

Board Members


Marie-Anne joined Joyful Minds Mental Health Services Board in 2024. Psycologist from Boab Health, she has lived in the Kimberley region for over 40 years and is passionate about innovative regional development opportunities that benefit the Kimberley and Northern Australia.

Aboriginal Elder

Robert Isaacs

Dr Robert Isaacs AM OAM phD is an Aboriginal Elder from the Whadjuk – Bibblimun – Wardandi Noongar language group of the South West. Robert has been a Director on Joyful Minds Mental Health Service’s Board since 2024.

Robert began his career as an Aboriginal Health Worker in 1973 and is passionate about working with government and the community to support Aboriginal and other disadvantaged people to have access to mental health, housing, employment, and education. He played a key role in establishing the first Aboriginal Medical Service in Perth and was its past President. Robert has received two Western Australian government Cabinet appointments. Robert is also a Director of the National Australia Day Council and the Chairperson of Centacare Kimberley Limited.
“I want to see our youth and our people take pride in themselves; not just for what we were, as the first people of this country, but also what we can be – self-determining and in charge of our own destinies”.


Marie-Anne joined Joyful Minds Mental Health Services Board in 2024. Psycologist from Boab Health, she has lived in the Kimberley region for over 40 years and is passionate about innovative regional development opportunities that benefit the Kimberley and Northern Australia.

Office in Administration

Divina Grace D’Anna

Ms Divina Grace D'Anna is member of the Parliament for Kimberley to the Deputy Premier and Treasurer. She carries a Cert IV Management for Indigenous Organisations and a Cert Office in Administration.

She has been on Joyful Minds Mental Health Services Board since March 2024. Previously Divina was a generalist Solicitor with various community legal centres across the Kimberley region and has lived in both Broome and Kununurra. She supports Broome PCYC assisting with advice around mental health governance and compliance for various Prescribed Body Corporates (PBCs). Divina has a stark interest in social policy with the aim to one day influence change to outdated legislation and policies requiring reform.

Centre Manager Broome PCYC

Claire Gregory

Claire joined Joyful Minds Mental Health Services board in 2024. Claire brings extensive experience in remote Australia and developing nations, including 14 years experience in service delivery and leadership roles, including Broome PCYC. Claire is a passionate remote youth mental health advocate with a Master Public Health (MPH) and is an exceptional manager specialised in getting government funds and sponsorships, with 25+ years experience in education, public health, leadership, and capacity development across a wide variety of cultural contexts. Claire is particularly interested in stress and anxiety prevention and promoting mental health beyond the health sector especially for adolescents, women and children, along with facilitating effective communication between urban policy makers and rural and remote communities. Claire is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and brings understanding of governance in the remote context.

Rights of WA children and young people

The Commissioner for Children and Young People is committed to promoting the rights of all children and young people in WA.

All children have the right to be safe, healthy, happy and learning. Everyone has a responsibility, including family, carers, the broader community and children and young people, to work together to deliver these rights.

In making sure these rights are upheld, the Commissioner must give special consideration to those children who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, or vulnerable or disadvantaged for any reason.

The Statement of Commitment to Western Australia’s children and young people formalises the Commissioner’s obligation to monitor and promote the rights of children and young people in Western Australia.

It outlines nine key rights for all WA children and young people, including the right to:

The Statement is intended to guide the Western Australian community’s collective efforts to ensure the wellbeing of all children and young people in this state. It is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and informed by conversations with Western Australian children and young people.

“It’s about your rights that you have, that you actually deserve. And people can’t just take those things away from you.”

Joyful Minds

Joyful Minds is a Mental Health & Well-Being Training designed by the Social Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Journalist, Author, InternaBonal Life Coach, Speaker, Singer, Composer, and Child of God, CrisBane Silveira ABque, known as MRS JOY.

MRS JOY was born in a lovely Brazilian family surrounded by nature, music, dance, and delicious barbecues. Her father was more than a father. He was a superhero for her and her whole family.

The method was designed aOer 20 years of study as an invesBgaBve journalist in the field of neuroscience, quantum physics, epigeneBcs, meditaBon, mindfulness, vibraBonal medicine, PTSD – Post TraumaBc Stress Disorder, and CBT – CogniBve Behavior Therapy.

When she was only 5 years old, her father started having epilepsy crisis, and the doctors discovered he had a brain cancer. The doctors could remove the tumor, but they couldn’t do anything to stop his epilepsy crisis. Suddenly, her loving father needed to be on medicaBon, and all those drugs would unbalance his nervous system, making that loving man become stressed, angry, frustrated, and isolated.

“From a happy place, I started living with fear, and not knowing how to be closer to my father anymore. I was living like inside of the beauty and the beast. As more as me and my family wanted to help my father, his heart was closed with a huge pain of shame. When I was 15 years old, I saw my father crying for the first Bme, and I asked him: - What happened father? He took my hand, and he said in tears:

- Since my surgery, I don’t feel any more as I used to feel, but when I listen to music, I can feel with my all heart again, and be back to who I am.

In that moment I hugged my father with so much love, and happiness, while I was thanking God in silence, for bringing my father back.

In that day, I already had a clue that music could bring my father back to his light, love, and power again. And it was, when I was 15 years old, that my invesBgaBon about the human mind started with this quesBon: What else could bring my father back to his best? shares MRS JOY.
And since then, aOer 30 years of invesBgaBon, the benefits of MRS JOY’s work extended beyond her family. She developed a mental health and well-being training called Joyful Minds that has the aim to teach children, youth, and adults how to reduce stress and go back to their best.

From Brazil, MRS JOY traveled around the world, and she had the privilege to study with the biggest humanitarian leaders in the world, like Dalai Lama, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Tony Robins, Mary Morrisey, among others. Since 2021, she founded in Australia, MRS JOY PTY LTD, to bring Joyful Minds Training to the whole world.

“We are an InternaBonal Research InsBtute & Academy for Mental Health & Well-Being. In summary, I explain that we are a School of True Love. We train the leaders of today and tomorrow to become the best version of themselves, to build the life they love, and to live their life’s purpose. Everything starts with self-love”, explains MRS JOY.

MRS JOY’s first book is already on Amazon and it’s a pracBcal guide to inspire families around the world to bring the power of graBtude into their lives.

Her second book “Well-being Time” is being published by a division in Australia of the famous self-help American publisher Hay House.

While we wait her new book to come alive, we already can check on SpoBfy, her first Album called You Have a Voice, that was mixed by the American Icon Michael Brauer, who won two Grammy Awards with Coldplay, including Viva La Vida.s being published by a division in Australia of the famous self-help American publisher Hay House.

Inspired by the American Hedge Fund Billionaire, Ray Dalio, who believed in MRS JOY’s mental health project since November 2019, her first Album is now part of a bigger cause to support families around the world that struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts, due to PTSD – Post TraumaBc Stress Disorder caused by domesBc violence, and poverty, living kids and families with lack of basic needs as food, clothing, and a home.

“Ray Dalio was the first person who could feel and understand the core of my mental health project called Joyful Minds Training”, explains MRS JOY. And she conBnues:

“I had tested Joyful Minds before in Brazil, America and Europe for six years, unBl I came to launch the project in Australia to be closer to my family, as my super brother Marcelo ABque became an Australian CiBzen. I was blessed with an adorable Australian sister-in-law, Jacquie ABque, and my Brazilian-Aussie niece, that’s our beloved princess Ellie (from Elizabeth, name that my super brother chose to honor our beloved mother! As I meditate for more than 20 years, and Ray Dalio meditates for more than 48 years, we could totally understand each other. In one of his best quotes, Ray Dalio a_ributes the benefits of meditaBon been the biggest reason for his well-being and whatever success he had. Today Ray Dalio has a net worth of more than 15 billion American Dollars. We have a lot to learn with our super star”, reveals MRS JOY.

In the last 15 years studying in the self-development field, MRS JOY, also had the honor to interview Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Germany. The founder of the Art of Living is considered one of the biggest humanitarian leaders in the world.
Check the interview of MRS JOY and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on YouTube:

After living for almost two years in Broome, MRS JOY, saw the necessity of supporBng children and youth at high-risk that parBcipate in programs from foundaBons like PCYC, and Broome Youth and Family Hub, with her Joyful Minds Training.

“I saw a huge necessity in Broome and in the Kimberley community in supporBng children, youth, and their families with mental health services, and with basic needs, as food, clothing, and even a clean and organized home, so they can live away from fear, and the consequences of poverty, drugs, alcohol abuse, and domesBc violence”, explains MRS JOY, who received a letter of support from Claire Gregory, the General Manager from Broome PCYC – Police and Community Youth Centres, that shared their necessity:

“This is a letter of support for the application for funding for the Joyful Minds Training program created by Mrs Joy. This mindful and meditation program is of great benefit to young people we work with and the community. Broome PCYC would look forward to collaborating in the future, so this program can be delivered at our Centre to benefit the at- risk young people who attend nearly every day.

Broome PCYC is a much needed and well-loved part of the community. A vast range of Activites are offered to children, young people, and adults, from diversion programs to alternate educate and recreational activites.

Well known for its safeSPACE program, Broome PCYC is a favourite after school and evening hang out for young people, with a vast range of Activites from basketball to football, cooking, help with homework and excursions.

With up to 70 young people a_ending the ader school safeSPACE program, it would be especially beneficial for our at-risk young people an opportunity to be able to engage in a mindful program such as this.

They would learn how to gain a new perspective on stressful stressfull, increase self- awareness, build skills to manage their stress and focus on the present. These tools will help them remain calm and reduce their anxiety.

Broome PCYC supports the need for Joyful Minds Training to be funded so they can be delivered to at-risk young people, who are in desperate need for these tools and skills to be able to navigate life and we would provide the space and young people for this to take place”.

Thanks for the initiative of Claire Gregory from Broome PCYC, on the 2nd of February 2024, MRS JOY, received a second letter of support for Joyful Minds Training, from Rose^a Sahanna from the Australian Parliament, who wrote:

“I would like to provide a letter of support to assist Joyful Minds Training in obtaining funding approval to deliver beneficial mindful programs to at-risk young people.

Joyful Minds Training are seeking to work collaboratively with other youth service providers in Broome to engage with at-risk youth and provide programs that will increase self- awareness, build skills to manage stress and help young people focus on their futures.

I support the funding application for these proposed programs as they will provide much- needed resources and skills to at-risk youth in this region”.
– Rosie Sahanna -

MRS JOY shared that she also saw the necessity of foundaBons like Centacare, and Boab Health struggling with the lack of financial support, to benefit more people, especially the Aboriginal Community.

Deidri Lechleitner, team leader of housing and homelessness at Centacare in Broome, explained about the necessity of having more financial support to prepare nutriBonal meals to adult individuals who are facing financial hardship or are homeless.

“Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8am unBl 10am, we receive around 100 adults, or more, from our Aboriginal community that comes for our Centacare Breakfast Program. And it’s so sad, that someBmes we don’t have enough food for everyone, as the adults also bring their children. It’s heartbreaking and we really need more support to help our community”, shares Deidri.

Now MRS JOY it’s in a mission to receive the financial support of sponsors, donors, angel investors, government grants, and volunteers, that can support more children and youth at high-risk in Broome and at the Kimberley Region.

"Our company took a big step in becoming NDIS Provider, and our next goal is to be registered as a Charity with Joyful Minds Foundation, in the next 3 to six months. It will help more people to contribute with more donations, as they will have the incentive of tax deduction. We want to support as many lives as we can. I invite you to be part of our Fundraising team too”, shares MRS JOY.

Joyful Minds - The Program

The program happens once a week at the famous Cable Beach and include 10 sessions of 3 hours each – from 4pm to 7pm – for a group of 20 selected at-risk young people, during the period of the last three school terms in 2024.

The program intends to benefit the minimum of 60 selected at-risk young people per year, from schools and youth service providers in Broome, as PCYC, BYFH, Nirrumbuk Aboriginal CorporaBon, Centacare, Boab Health, among others.

The program happens once a week, at Cable Beach, for 10 weeks, from the beginning unBl the end of the date from the scholar terms 02, 03 and 04 of 2024.

We provide the total of 10 meeBngs per each School Term, delivering 1 Joyful Minds Training per week for 20 or more selected at-risk young people per scholar term, according with the funds available for the program in each term.

Mental Health Circuit Training

Designed as a Mental Health Circuit Training, the program presents a series of self-regulaBon acBviBes where each youth quickly rotate through different exercises targeBng four different areas to be developed, balanced, and integrated: mind, heart, body, and soul.

The mental health and well-being system created by MRS JOY, the founder of Joyful Minds Training combines breathing, meditaBon, mindfulness, cardio, and strength training for a quick efficient workout that benefits our four intelligences:

The Joyful Minds Training is based on the secret word that the students need to discover inside of Joyful Minds Online Training. The acronym brings a series of secret self-regulation tools that are important for them to thrive in life with a Joyful Mind.

Each student has the challenge of completing their Mental Health Circuit Training to achieve a Joyful Mind Reward at the end of that day.
By following the same principles of small circuits inside of cross fit in gyms, we developed a mental health circuit that benefits all participants in a holistic way.
Thinking in benefit our children, youth, and their families,

Joyful Mins Circuit at the Beach includes 12 acBviBes where the students will rotate between:

And together we keep broadcasBng a new educaBon of true love to the world from the inside out! Let’s increase the mental health and well-being in the whole Planet.

2024 Term Dates
Semester 01

Term 02: Monday 15 April to Friday 28 June

Joyful Minds Training 01: Wed, 17th of April

Joyful Minds Training 02: Wed, 24th of April

Joyful Minds Training 03: Wed, 1st of May

Joyful Minds Training 04: Wed, 8th of May

Joyful Minds Training 05: Wed, 15th of May

Joyful Minds Training 06: Wed, 22nd of May

Joyful Minds Training 07: Wed, 29th of May

Joyful Minds Training 08: Wed, 5th of June

Joyful Minds Training 09: Wed, 12st of June

Joyful Minds Training 10: Wed, 19th of June

Break - Saturday 29 June to Sunday 14 July

Semester 02

Term 03: Monday 15 July to Friday 20 September

Joyful Minds Training 01: Wed, 17th of July

Joyful Minds Training 02: Wed, 24th of July

Joyful Minds Training 03: Wed, 31st of July

Joyful Minds Training 04: Wed, 7th of August

Joyful Minds Training 05: Wed, 14th of August

Joyful Minds Training 06: Wed, 21st of August

Joyful Minds Training 07: Wed, 28th of August

Joyful Minds Training 08: Wed, 4th of September

Joyful Minds Training 09: Wed, 11st of September

Joyful Minds Training 10: Wed, 18th of September

Break – Saturday 21 September to Sunday 06 October

Semester 03

Term 04: Monday 07 October to Thursday 12 December

Joyful Minds Training 01: Wed, 9th of October

Joyful Minds Training 02: Wed, 16th of October

Joyful Minds Training 03: Wed, 23rd of October

Joyful Minds Training 04: Wed, 30th of October

Joyful Minds Training 05: Wed, 6th of November

Joyful Minds Training 06: Wed, 13th of November

Joyful Minds Training 07: Wed, 20th of November

Joyful Minds Training 08: Wed, 27th of November

Joyful Minds Training 09: Wed, 4th of December

Joyful Minds Training 10: Wed, 11th of December